A Pleasant Dream

"A dream itself is but a shadow." 

Dreams are sometimes very interesting and common with every person. However, some persons have light and negligible dreams. There are others who have dreams in abundance. We have dreams because our unconscious mind works at night. Whatever unfulfilled desires we have, are stored there. When our unconscious mind works, we find the realization of our suppressed and unfulfilled desires.

I happen to be a regular dreamer. Dreams come to me in plenty. All my wishes are fulfilled in my dreams. I remember one dream in particular. It was a day I had been reading about how an Indian landed on the moon with Russian astronauts. It stirred my imagination. I fell daydreaming sitting alone in my room. I gave free reins to my imagination. Soon I dozed off. I dreamt that I was a member of the team. My spacecraft began to encircle the moon.

By and by the speed became less and less and after some time it landed on the moon. My companions were fast asleep. A tried my best to wake them up but they did not get up. Finally, I decided to contact the earth and report about my position. But my contact with earth was already broken. Companionless, unaided I landed on the moon. I was perplexed, thinking that I would face unseen consequences at this strange place. Perhaps I was scared of the agony of death. My aircraft landed on the moon.

I opened one of the windows and lowered the ladder. I climbed down the ladder. As soon as I put my foot on the moon there was a great noise. Many people who were the inhabitants of the moon ran to me. They all were short stature and dark in complexion. They made a circle around me and put their weapons down on the ground. I was very much surprised thinking that they may do some harm to me. But one of them tried to make me understand by some gestures. In fact, they acknowledged me as their emperor.

I was taken to a palace which was made of silver and gold. Pearls and diamonds were studded in the walls and naphthalene lamps were shining there. They showed to me the throne and put an instrument on my hat. Now I could understand their language. They all requested me to accept their kingship but in the meanwhile, their old king who was a terrible monster-half man and half bull challenged me to fight. But before I could do anything, he threw me on the ground. There was a great noise of my falling. My eyes were opened; I had fallen on the floor from my bed.

For a few seconds, I did not realize what had happened. Meanwhile, my mother too had entered my bedroom. She helped me to get up from the floor. Finally, it dawned upon me that I had a dream what a pleasant dream it was!