Horrors of War

War is an unavoidable evil. But this evil exists in some form or another. Since times immemorial war had been present in the nerve of society. There had been wars between Aryans and Dravidians. One tried to win over the other. The Ramayan age and Mahabharat are examples of wars for a prolonged period causing the destruction of human and animal life as the wars were fought by bows and arrows.

The soldiers faced each other directly. The shape of wars changed with the arrival of Turks, Muslims, and Mughals. The swords and guns and gun powder were introduced and consequently, these elements caused a great blood-shed. Killing, looting of property, setting fire to the houses and palaces were aimed at slowly and slowly the war became more horrible with new inventions.

With the discoveries of science new scientific weapons were introduced war was mechanized. The invention of tanks, bullets, bombs, airplanes, etc. made the war more horrible and destructive. Physical strength that was valued greatly in ancient wars, was now of no consideration.

These weapons proved very destructive to mankind. The cities, towns and villages, and human life became the targets. The human beings and their bodies were mutilated or devastated by these mechanized weapons. These dreadful weapons have caused barbarity, cruelty, and inhumanity, bombs, explosives, submarines, poisonous gases, and many other weapons have brought about destruction on a large scale. The beautiful earth that God made for man to live upon it is despoiled by modern wars. The pages of the history of war describe how the beautiful towns, cities, buildings, etc. were razed to the ground, and mankind suffered at the hands of perpetrators.

However, the worst aspect of war is that it leaves permanent emotional scars on its victims. The Indians are forever suspicious of Pakistanis and Vietnam is still recovering from the wounds inflicted by America. For instance, the Jews are yet to forget the German atrocities of World War II. Countless children lose their fathers, numerous mothers their sons and so many women become widows. These are the real victims of war. They lose their dear ones for the cause which they were hardly familiar with, last but not least the cripples left by wars are nothing but living corpses, hostilities, and ego clashes between leaders result in the deaths of the innocents. They relive the horrors of war daily.

Certainly, war is a horrible thing and it should be avoided at all costs. Man is said to be a social animal. So why can't he live peacefully with his neighbors? He should always remember that in a war whichever side may call it the victor, there are no winners but all are losers.