Maharajashri was born on July 25, 1911, in the village of Maharai in Varanasi. During his childhood he was called by the name of Shantanuvihari'. But astrologers of that time predicted that the child would die at the age of 19.
The fear of death led Maharajashri to the path of spirituality. After sometime he became aware of the fact that death is unavoidable but one can destroy the fear of death through spiritual knowledge. Later he was initiated as Brahamanand Saraswati, the Shankaracharya of the Jyotishpeeth. However, prior to this, Maharajashri was a member of the editorial board of the Kalyana' in Gorakhpur.
From his childhood, he was fond of Shrimed Bhagvata Purana ich remained his best companion throughout his life. He established
Ashram at Prayag where the celebration of his birth anniversary is part and parcel of different activities organised at Ashram. November 19, 1987.
(July 25, 1911 - November 19, 1987)