Computers and Their Uses

Strange feats of electronic brains are putting our minds in the puzzle. Computer research was started twenty-five years back. The object of the research technique in computers is to find out whether it can supersede man's brain. Many electronic brains are making researches on important literary articles. Their sole object is to find out the result on the basis of proofs. The electronic brains will find out the result on the basis of experiences alone. But all this is possible to a certain limit.

There are three elements of production intelligence, consciousness, and desire. American computer is able to solve a certain problem to a certain limit. The first computer was made in 1946. But a recent computer has produced an atomic theory that took fifty years for our scientists. I.P.P. has rightly calculated that Irish terrorists want to kill the policemen whereas Italian terrorists want to kill the businessmen.

In jail, one scientist provided the story to Boris's computer. He read a story and understood it. For this, he gave him the knowledge of the law as well as of friendship. Boris may be very clever but he has learned only two stories so far. The computer requires air conditioning. The atmospheric temperature is to be maintained within certain limits. Like men, it also suffers from certain ailments. A great caution is to be exercised.

This minute electronic brain is spreading so rapidly that it is feared that some of the laborers will be given the sack from their jobs. But how much work, this machinery can do after all-not that much as a man does? Moreover, the computer will work on these lines on which man does not want to work. The first electronic computer was called Aviak. It was made in 1946. It occupied an entire room and utilized a lot of electricity. But in 1947, the good laboratory invented the transistor. A transistor or silicon or a small piece of uranium is a good conductor of electricity. By and by in 1959 an entire circuit was formed of these pieces.

Now a lot of power is filled in a very small space. Today ten million transistors can be filled on a small piece. They can be used in various things.

The computer is a great marvel of Science. Now the computer involves a number of logical circuits, memory circuits consisting of large-scale integration circuits (L.S.I.). Now the question is whether this machine will replace man. The probable answer to this question is 'No'. Still, man is superb as he has invented this machine. This is the invention to the brain of man and the machine has not made the man. The applications of computers are great money. Data collection, Data storage, and Data transfer all involve the help of computers.