Slow and Steady Wins the Race

The proverb 'Rome was not built in a day' is rightly proved that every work which is done slowly brings good result. While we do any work in a hurry it does not bring good results. As is well said that hurry makes curry.

A student who has not studied throughout the year reads twelve hours a day during his examinations he cannot be sure of a good result. On the other hand, a student who studies regularly for five hours a day is sure to achieve grand success. Therefore anything done hurriedly cannot have a solid and firm foundation.

When you put anything drop by drop, it will absorb it. But if we want it to accept ton load, it would not be able to give room to them. It needs slow but constant labor and it brings flowers, fruit, and contentment.

Today life is very fast. Everyone tries to overtake others in every sphere. On the road, people drive their vehicles rash and fast to increase road accidents. For more elaboration, the story of hare and tortoise can be mentioned here. The fast-running hare was defeated by the slow tortoise. An intelligent one knows well that slow and steady wins the race. He may have some edge because of his consistency and persistence but a hard-working student with constant labor can always hope to reach his goal.

The government cannot remove poverty from the country in a day. It can be removed slowly and slowly. They make plans but in hurry. Therefore, it looks impossible. When the government decided it with a cool and calm mind, there are cent-percent chances to remove this problem.

The work done with a cool and calm mind lasts longer and proves fruitful. Great heights cannot be achieved by sudden flights.