All that Glitters is not Gold

This quotation means that we should not be deceived by an attractive appearance. The world is often deceived by external decoration. It is correct that gold is a precious metal which glitters. Besides its glittering surface, it has a lot of value in terms of money. But this does not mean that everything that glitters is gold. Gilt ornaments also look and shine like gold ornaments, and dazzle our eyes. Many times we are deceived by the glamorous appearances of things. What is true of things and metals may also be true of individuals. In our daily life, we often come across wicked men who have polished manners. They pretend to be noble and sincere. A sinner tries to pass off as a saint and a scoundrel passes for a gentleman. There is no dearth of such persons who are like a wolf in sheep's clothing. A man may smile and smile and yet be a villain. An outwardly goodly apple is often rotten at the core. The outward show is misleading. The face is not always the true index of one's mind.

Villains and wicked persons are past masters in the art of hiding their feelings. Lago in Shakespeare's play Othello said "I am not what I am". Villains do not wear their hearts on their sleeves. They are grand designers and are very skillful in hiding their feelings and their motives are revealed in the long run. Simple people are usually deceived by villains. We should go deep into the mental make-up of a man before making our final assessment about him.